Automating Report Generation

You can automate reports so that they run at regular intervals.

In a multidomain deployment, you can schedule reports only for your current domain.

Before you begin


Step 1

Select System (system gear icon) > Tools > Scheduling.

Step 2

Click Add Task.

Step 3

From the Job Type list, select Report.

Step 4

Specify how you want to schedule the task, Once or Recurring:

  • For one-time tasks, use the drop-down lists to specify the start date and time.

  • For recurring tasks, see Configuring a Recurring Task for details.

Step 5

Type a name in the Job Name field.

Step 6

In the Report Template field, select a risk report or report template.

Step 7

If you want to comment on the task, type a comment in the Comment field.

The comment field appears in the Tasks Details section of the schedule calendar page; keep comments brief.

Step 8

If you want to email task status messages, type an email address (or multiple email addresses separated by commas) in the Email Status To: field. You must have a valid email relay server configured to send status messages.


Configuring this option does not distribute the reports.

Step 9

If you do not want to receive report email attachments when reports have no data (for example, when no events of a certain type occurred during the report period), select the If report is empty, still attach to email check box.

Step 10

Click Save.