Distributing Reports by Email at Generation Time


Step 1

Choose Overview > Reporting.

Step 2

Click Report Templates.

Step 3

Click Report (Report icon) next to the template you want to use to generate a report.

If the controls are dimmed, the configuration belongs to an ancestor domain, or you do not have permission to modify the configuration.


To generate a report from an ancestor's template, copy the template into the current domain.

Step 4

Expand the Email section of the window.

Step 5

In the Email Options field, choose Send Email.

Step 6

In the Recipient List, CC, and BCC fields, enter recipients’ email addresses in comma-separated lists.

Step 7

In the Subject field, enter an email subject.


You can provide input parameters in the Subject field and the message body to dynamically generate information in the email, such as a timestamp or the name of the Cisco Defense Orchestrator.

Step 8

Enter a cover letter in the email body as necessary.

Step 9

Click OK and confirm.