Report Templates

You use report templates to define the content and format of the data in each of the report’s sections, as well as the document attributes of the report file (cover page, table of contents, and page headers and footers). After you generate a report, the template stays available for reuse until you delete it.

Your reports contain one or more information sections. You choose the format (text, table, or chart) for each section individually. The format you select for a section may constrain the data that can be included. For example, you cannot show time-based information in certain tables using a pie chart format. You can change the data criteria or format of a section at any time to obtain optimum presentation.

You can base a report’s initial design on a predefined event view, or you can start your design by importing content from any defined dashboard, workflow, or summary. You can also start with an empty template, adding sections and defining their attributes one by one.


In a multidomain deployment, you can view but not edit report templates belonging to ancestor domains. To generate reports from these templates, you must copy them to your current domain.