Modify RA VPN Configuration

You can modify the name and the device details of an existing RA VPN configuration.


Select the configuration to be modified and under Actions, click Edit.

  • Modify the name if required.

  • Click the blue plus button to add a new device

  • Click to perform the following on the FDM-managed device.

    • Click Edit to modify the existing RA VPN configuration.

    • Click Remove to remove the FDM-managed device from the RA VPN configuration. All connection profiles and RA VPN settings associated with that device except the group policies are deleted. You can remove the group policies explicitly from the objects page. Note: You cannot remove the FDM-managed device if that is the only device using the configuration. Alternatively, you can remove the RA VPN configuration.

You can also search for remote access VPN configuration by typing the name of the configuration or device.