Schedule CDO Backups

You can use the scheduler on the Cisco Defense Orchestrator to automate both CDO and device backups. Note that not all devices support remote backups. For more information, see Backup/Restore.

You can use the scheduler on the Cisco Defense Orchestrator to automate its own backups. You cannot schedule a device backup from the CDO.


As a part of initial configuration, the system schedules a weekly task to perform a locally stored configuration-only CDO backup. If the task scheduling fails we recommend you schedule a recurring task to perform a backup as described in this topic.

Before you begin

Create a backup profile that specifies your backup preferences.

You must be in the global domain to perform this task.


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Tools > Scheduling.

Step 2

From the Job Type list, select Backup.

Step 3

Specify whether you want to back up Once or Recurring.

Step 4

Enter a Job Name.

Step 5

For the Backup Type, click Management Center.

Step 6

Choose a Backup Profile.

Step 7

(Optional) Enter a Comment.

Keep comments brief. They will appear in the Task Details section of the schedule calendar page.

Step 8

(Optional) Enter an email address, or a comma-separated list of email addresses, in the Email Status To: field.

For information on setting up an email relay server to send task status messages, see Configuring a Mail Relay Host and Notification Address.

Step 9

Click Save.