Requiring Valid HTTPS Client Certificates

Use this procedure to require users connecting to the CDO web interface to supply a user certificate. The system supports validating HTTPS client certificates using either OCSP or imported CRLs in Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail (PEM) format.

If you choose to use CRLs, to ensure that the list of revoked certificates stays current, you can create a scheduled task to update the CRLs. The system displays the most recent refresh of the CRLs.


To access the web interface after enabling client certificates, you must have a valid client certificate present in your browser (or a CAC inserted in your reader).

Before you begin


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Configuration.

Step 2

Click HTTPS Certificate.

Step 3

Choose Enable Client Certificates. If prompted, select the appropriate certificate from the drop-down list.

Step 4

You have three options:

  • To verify client certificates using one or more CRLS, select Enable Fetching of CRL and continue with Step 5.
  • To verify client certificates using OCSP, select Enable OCSP and skip to Step 7.
  • To accept client certificates without checking for revocation, skip to Step 8.
Step 5

Enter a valid URL to an existing CRL file and click Add CRL. Repeat to add up to 25 CRLs.

Step 6

Click Refresh CRL to load the current CRL or CRLs from the specified URL or URLs.


Enabling fetching of the CRL creates a scheduled task to regularly update the CRL or CRLs. Edit the task to set the frequency of the update.

Step 7

Verify that the client certificate is signed by the certificate authority loaded onto the appliance and the server certificate is signed by a certificate authority loaded in the browser certificate store. (These should be the same certificate authority.)


Saving a configuration with enabled client certificates, with no valid client certificate in your browser certificate store, disables all web server access to the appliance. Make sure that you have a valid client certificate installed before saving settings.

Step 8

Click Save.