Obtain a Signed Audit Log Client Certificate for the CDO


The Audit Log Certificate page is not available on a standby Cisco Defense Orchestrator in a high availability setup. You cannot perform this task from a standby Cisco Defense Orchestrator.

The system generates certificate request keys in Base-64 encoded PEM format.

Before you begin

Keep the following in mind:

  • To ensure security, use a globally recognized and trusted Certificate Authority (CA) to sign your certificate.

  • If you will require mutual authentication between the appliance and the audit log server, the same Certificate Authority must sign both the client certificate and the server certificate.


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Configuration.

Step 2

Click Audit Log Certificate.

Step 3

Click Generate New CSR.

Step 4

Enter a country code in the Country Name (two-letter code) field.

Step 5

Enter a state or province postal abbreviation in the State or Province field.

Step 6

Enter a Locality or City.

Step 7

Enter an Organization name.

Step 8

Enter an Organizational Unit (Department) name.

Step 9

Enter the fully qualified domain name of the server for which you want to request a certificate in the Common Name field.


If the common name and the DNS hostname do not match, audit log streaming will fail.

Step 10

Click Generate.

Step 11

Open a new blank file with a text editor.

Step 12

Copy the entire block of text in the certificate request, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST lines, and paste it into a blank text file.

Step 13

Save the file as clientname.csr, where clientname is the name of the appliance where you plan to use the certificate.

Step 14

Click Close.

What to do next

  • Submit the certificate signing request to the certificate authority that you selected using the guidelines in the "Before You Begin" section of this procedure.

  • When you receive the signed certificate, import it to the appliance; see Import an Audit Log Client Certificate into the CDO.