Detect Realm or User Mismatches

This section discusses how to detect realm or user mismatches, which are defined as:

  • User mismatch: A user is reported to the CDOwithout being downloaded.

    A typical reason for a user mismatch is that the user belongs to a group you have excluded from being downloaded to the CDO. Review the information discussed in Realm Fields.

  • Realm mismatch: A user logs into a domain that corresponds to a realm not known to the CDO.

For additional details, see Troubleshoot Realms and User Downloads.

Unknown users that do not match identity rules have no policies applied to them. (Although you can set up identity rules for Unknown users, we recommend keeping the number of rules to a minimum by identifying users and realms correctly.)


Step 1

Enable detection of realm or user mismatches:

  1. Log in to the CDO if you have not already done so.

  2. Click System > Health > Policy.

  3. Create a new health policy or edit an existing one.

  4. On the Editing Policy page, set a Policy Runtime Interval.

    This is the frequency at which all health monitor tasks run.
  5. In the left pane, cick Realm.

  6. Enter the following information:

    • Enabled: Click On

    • Warning Users match threshold %: The percentage of either realm mismatches or user mismatches that triggers a warning in the Health Monitor. For more information, see Troubleshoot Realms and User Downloads.

  7. At the bottom of the page, click Save Policy & Exit.

  8. Apply the health policy to managed devices as discussed in Applying Health Policies.

Step 2

View user and realm mismatches in any of the following ways:

  • If the warning threshold is exceeded, click Warning > Health in the top navigation of the CDO. This opens the Health Monitor.

  • Click System > Health > Monitor.

Step 3

On the Health Monitor page, in the Display column, expand Realm: Domain or Realm: User to view details about the mismatch.