Creating Time Range Objects

If you want a policy to apply only during a specified time range, create a time range object, then specify that object in the policy. Note that this object works on FTD devices only.

You can specify time range objects only in policy types listed at the bottom of this topic.


The timezone represents the device's local time and is used ONLY for applying the time ranges in rules in the policies that support the time ranges. The timezone does not change the configured time of the device. To verify the configuration, in the FTD CLI, use the show time-range timezone and show time commands (see the Command Reference for Secure Firewall Threat Defense guide). In addition, the timezone of a chassis overrides the management center timezone.

Before you begin

Time ranges are applied based on the time zone associated with the device that processes the traffic. By default, this is UTC. To change the time zone associated with a device, go to Device > Platform Settings.


Step 1

Choose Objects > Object Management.

Step 2

Choose Time Range from the list of object types.

Step 3

Click Add Time Range.

Step 4

Enter values.

Observe the following guidelines:

  • If you see a red error box around the object name you have entered, mouse over the Name field to see naming restrictions.

  • All times are in UTC, unless you specify a time zone for the device in Device > Platform Settings.

  • Enter times using a 24-hour clock. For example, enter 1:30 PM as 13:30.

  • To specify a single continuous range, such as typical weekend hours (Fridays at 5pm through Mondays at 8am, including evenings and nights), choose Range Type Range.

  • To specify part of multiple days, such as Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm (excluding evenings, nights, and early mornings every day), choose Range Type Daily Interval.

  • You can specify up to 28 time periods in a single object.

  • To specify multiple noncontiguous times of day or different hours for different days, create multiple recurring intervals. For example, to apply a policy at all times other than standard working hours, create a single time range object with the following two recurring intervals:

    • A Daily Interval for Monday through Friday from 5pm through 8am, and

    • A Range recurring interval for Friday at 5pm through Monday at 8am.

Step 5

Click Save.

What to do next

Configure time ranges in any of the following:

  • Access control rules

  • Prefilter rules

  • Tunnel rules

  • VPN group policy

In a VPN group policy object, specify the time range object using the Access Hours field. For details, see Configure Group Policy Objects and Group Policy Advanced Options.