Automating URL Filtering Updates Using a Scheduled Task

In order to ensure that threat data for URL filtering is current, the system must obtain data updates from the Cisco Collective Security Intelligence (CSI) cloud.

By default, when you enable URL filtering, automatic updates are enabled. However, if you need to control when these updates occur, use the procedure described in this topic instead of the default update mechanism.

Although daily updates tend to be small, if it has been more than five days since your last update, new URL filtering data may take up to 20 minutes to download, depending on your bandwidth. Then, it may take up to 30 minutes to perform the update itself.

Before you begin


Step 1

Select System (system gear icon) > Tools > Scheduling.

Step 2

Click Add Task.

Step 3

From the Job Type list, select Update URL Filtering Database.

Step 4

Specify how you want to schedule the update, Once or Recurring:

  • For one-time tasks, use the drop-down lists to specify the start date and time.

  • For recurring tasks, see Configuring a Recurring Task for details.

Step 5

Type a name in the Job Name field.

Step 6

If you want to comment on the task, type a comment in the Comment field.

The comment field appears in the Task Details section of the schedule calendar page; keep comments brief.

Step 7

If you want to email task status messages, type an email address (or multiple email addresses separated by commas) in the Email Status To: field. You must have a valid email relay server configured to send status messages.

Step 8

Click Save.