Certificate Enrollment Object Key Options
Cisco Defense Orchestrator Navigation Path
Objects > Object Management, then from the navigation pane choose PKI > Cert Enrollment. Press (+) Add Cert Enrollment to open the Add Cert Enrollment dialog, and select the Key tab.
For EST enrollment type, do not select EdDSA key as it is not supported.
EdDSA is supported only in Site-to-Site VPN topologies.
EdDSA is not supported as an identity certificate for the Remote Access VPN.
Key Name—If the key pair you want to associate with the certificate already exists, this field specifies the name of that key pair. If the key pair does not exist, this field specifies the name to assign to the key pair that will be generated during enrollment. If you do not specify a name, the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) key pair is used instead.
Key Size—If the key pair does not exist, defines the desired key size (modulus), in bits. The recommended size is 2048 bits. The larger the modulus size, the more secure the key. However, keys with larger modulus sizes take longer to generate (a minute or more when larger than 512 bits) and longer to process when exchanged.
On CDO and FTD Versions 7.0 and higher, you cannot enroll certificates with RSA key sizes smaller than 2048 bits and keys using SHA-1 with the RSA Encryption algorithmn. However, you can use PKI Enrollment of Certificates with Weak-Crypto to allow certificates that use SHA-1 with RSA Encryption algorithm and smaller key size.
You cannot generate RSA keys with sizes smaller than 2048 bits for FTD 7.0, even when you enable the weak-crypto option.
Advanced Settings—Select Ignore IPsec Key Usage if you do not want to validate values in the key usage and extended key usage extensions of IPsec remote client certificates. You can suppress key usage checking on IPsec client certificates. By default this option is not enabled.
NoteFor site-to-site VPN connection, if you use a Windows Certificate Authority (CA), the default Application Policies extension is IP security IKE intermediate. If you are using this default setting, you must select the Ignore IPsec Key Usage option for the object you select. Otherwise, the endpoints cannot complete the site-to-site VPN connection.